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Name of Lab:Natural User Interface Lab

Research Interest:Speech recognition, natural language understanding, human-computer interaction, music retrieval, artificial intelligence, machine learning.

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研究精華1: 結合關鍵詞驗證及語者驗證之雲端身分驗證系統

Research Highlight 1: A Cloud Speaker Authentication System Based on Keyword Verification and Speaker Verification.

研究精華2: 應用直方圖均化於統計式未知詞萃取之研究

Research Highlight 2: Histogram Equalization for Statistical Unknown Word Extraction.

研究精華3: 哼唱式音樂搜尋系統中音符偵測與比對方法之研究

Research Highlight 3: A Query by Singing/Humming System with Note Segmentation Assisted by Onset Detection

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