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Name of Lab:Human-computer interaction and Imaging Systems

Research Interest:Key Subsystems of Autonomous Car, Smart Sensing (DNN-Based Perception and Sensor Fusion) for Autonomous Driving, Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks (DNN), Human-Computer Interaction, Vision-Based Automation and Computer Vision, Multimedia and Consumer Electronic Imaging Systems (e.g. digital camera, digital display device, printer...), Halftoning & Data Hiding, Stereoscopic (3D) Imaging.

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(Autonomous Car Industry)

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(Taipei Tech Team and Co-operative Companies)

Websites of Co-operative Companies in Autonomous Car Project: 

華創車電 (Haitec) 、 宏碁(Acer) 、 奇美車電 (Chimei Motor) 、 六和機械(LioHo) 、 宏碁自駕車(Acer in Self-Driving Car)

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Comparison Between Thermal and RGB Images

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